Dr. Tarpley called me in his early stages of
planning for a literary festival in Cooper, Delta County, Northeast Texas. He
asked if I would join other Delta County native writers and read an excerpt
from one of my books or short stories. I said sure—just like I always do when
Fred asks me to do something. But this retired college professor of Lit and
Lang and renowned linguist, grammarian, and researcher is full of enthusiasm
and ideas and I was not confident he would actually pull this one together.
When I first started writing novels, people
frequently asked me what I did when I left the financial services profession.
My answer: “I Write.” The next question was almost always, “Yes, but what do
you do the rest of the time?” or this one, “Yes, but what do you do for a
living?” I soon began to give this answer: “I wait each day for Dr. Fred
Tarpley to give me an assignment.”
Using Fred’s famous name gave my writing legitimacy,
somehow, and the answer was close to accurate.
I seldom speak in front of a group of writers or readers that someone
does not approach me and ask about Fred or send a greeting to him.
For the Delta County event at the library in Cooper,
Fred planned to have his former student Charles Bailey, also a well-known
professor of English and literary critic, Susan Albright Hyde (A
Listing Wind), and Judy Miller Falls (Brush Men and Vigilantes)
to read. When Fred told me that he planned on having it on Sunday at three, I
checked the Cowboys’ football schedule. I told Dr. Tarpley that the football
game would not be over and few would come. I had a vision of us Delta County
writers reading to each other.
When Fred suddenly took ill, I expected the event was
cancelled and sort of put it out of my mind.
But when Charles Bailey called me from Houston on Saturday night to say
he was coming, things changed. I could not reach Judy Falls, Carol Beth King
(now Delta Chamber prez), or anyone who might know details, but if Charlie was
driving from Houston, I could surely drive from Commerce. I called Susan and
the event was on. Then someone told me it had been advertised in the Cooper Review and Paris News. Fred would want his idea to come to fruition, even if
he could not be there.
To my surprise, all of the seats filled (thank-you
Delta County readers). Fred will be proud to learn this. I felt appropriately
chastised for my negativity and was once again reminded of how infectious
Fred’s positive influence can be.
Judy Falls told some very personal and inspiring stories
about people she has met and circumstances encountered as a result of her
flawlessly researched book about this area of Texas and conflicting loyalties before
and during the Civil War. Charlie read two short stories from the late Dr.
Gaynor Janes, eldest son of Dr. Olen Janes. Charlie is related to this famous
and revered Delta County family of physicians.
Then Susan Hyde read from her soon to be released novel about a 1936
murder trial in Delta County (and a poignant love story). Charlie followed with
a story published in Memories of Old ET that brought back
memories of the ETSU campus during the period surrounding President Kennedy’s
assassination and funeral.
I read two excerpts from my novel, Go
Down Looking, to be released May 2012.
I also wanted to talk about the interconnectedness not just of the
readers, but of the people who attended, but there just was not time. For
example, Charlie and I graduated from Cooper High in the same year and attended
ETSU in Commerce at the same time. Judy Falls was only a few years behind us.
Judy and I have worked together on several writing and research projects and I
have called on her for Delta County research on more than one occasion. Her
book and my Biscuits Across the Brazos came out the same year. And or
course, Carol Beth (Berry) King served as emcee in Fred’s absence.
Growing up in Delta County, I knew of Gaynor Janes
and revered his father, but had never met him until my first book was released.
When he discovered that Dr. Olen Bartlett in the Rivers trilogy was based on
his father, we became fast friends. It was very poignant to hear Charles read the
stories that Gaynor had shared with me. Gaynor’s wife D’ drove from Houston to
hear her late husband’s stories read. As for Susan Hyde, I worked with her when
her book was in manuscript form and wrote a very early review. Also, the murder
trial that inspired her novel was a story I related to my grandchildren that
kept them entertained for years as we traveled the paths that two young girls
and their mother followed. They were mesmerized by that story more than
anything I ever read them.
Fred is improving in a Fort Worth rehab center. Wish
he could have been there.
Those who attended the Delta County Literary Festival were in for a treat! Those who didn't --- well, they should have. Truly an exciting event. The writers thrilled the audience with their readings; and the audience had the opportunity to see and be seen with the writers. A great afternoon at the Delta County Library.
Carol King
So many wonderful people and stories come out of Delta County. Im sorry to have missed it and hope Dr. Tarpley is doing better.
I would have certainly been there if it had been possible for Jim. I would have loved to have heard the others and would love to read their work but Jim is the best.
I am catching up on your postings and find I am sorry I missed this event. Having grown up in Enloe & Cooper (Delta County), I am familiar with every one of the participants and some were only a few years younger. Dr. Olen, Osler & Gaza Janes had special places in the hearts of many families. Thanks for sharing!
I am catching up on your postings and find I am sorry I missed this event. Having grown up in Enloe & Cooper (Delta County), I am familiar with every one of the participants and some were only a few years younger. Dr. Olen, Osler & Gaza Janes had special places in the hearts of many families. Thanks for sharing!
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