If an unknown writer is able to
get his book published by any means possible, he is still left with the
toughest job of all—selling his book. Not complaining, just conundrums I have
In virtually all the stories and
books about marketing I have read, all the seminars I have attended, all the
people I have asked, this same advice is repeated:
Write a good book. Who
knew? Well, let me just throw out this terrible manuscript and write a good one. Why didn’t you say
so first? But doesn’t every author think his manuscript
is good? Otherwise, why would he write it?
Do a lot of social media. Know
how many sites there are to promote books in cyberspace in addition to FB, Twitter, Goodreads, etc?
Neither do it, but there are many. How do we select or do we try to use all?
Reminds me of the days when clients wanted me to pick stocks. Which industry or
segment, big or small, foreign or domestic, etc?
The most important question about
internet and social media marketing—does it work? Answer: A small fraction of
the time. And I don’t accept a few lucky break-outs, flukes, momentary jumps in
sales or sales by authors who are already well-known as evidence. I want empirical
evidence. Yes, there are many authors who put in hundreds of hours and make it
work, and a few that put in a fraction of that and go “viral”, but is that time
a good investment when one considers the odds?
Before social media, 95% of the
money in writing was made by 5% of the authors. After social media, it remains
about the same. And working social media takes a tremendous amount of time—time
I would rather use writing. And yes, I have colleagues who seem able to do both. I don’t seem to be able to.
Build a platform. I built
a platform in the business world by being lucky enough to be in the right place at the right time at
the birth of a new age in the financial services industry.That led to four books and many
presentations and seminars. Luck happens when preparation meets opportunity. I
try to apply those same principles to building my platform as a novelist. But
how does one build a platform as a novelist? The answer seems to be—sell a lot of novels. The cart before
the horse.
Get a good agent. When I meet an agent, I ask how
they signed their best-selling authors. Invariably, they tell about authors
who broke all the standard advice for soliciting agents. So why do they keep giving advice
they seldom follow?
When I ask successful authors how
they found their agents, in almost every case, they found them by a fluke or more often, through a
recommendation from a better-known author.
One prominent sage gave this
advice to writers of fiction in a blog post:
a way to make your novel relevant by writing about issues readers care about or
current hot topics.” My questions for her:
What are the
issues readers care about in fiction? Today, they seem to be vampires, zombies,
and Mommy Porn.
It usually
takes two years to complete a book and publish it. How do writers know what
will be the hot topics in two years?
What is an
example of relevant fiction?
didn’t answer.
Why write when faced with such
conundrums? I write so that I can make the best use of the time I have left and
possibly add value to my readers’ lives.
And I will never give up reading articles and books or listening to good speakers
who try to reveal the answers. But I am pretty much resigned to the fact that
nobody has come up with a good plan for selling fiction—yet .
Some of you may be wondering if I’m
stuck on stupid. Why not write “relevant” fiction that has blockbuster
potential? Yes, I have asked myself that question. The answer is I only enjoy
writing the type of book I like to read and I write for my small reader
base. I write because I enjoy it and I
wouldn’t enjoy writing about vampires.
I used to say that I write about
how ordinary people react to extraordinary
events. But I have learned that’s not quite accurate. I mostly write more about
how ordinary people react to ordinary
problems and events. I may be naïve, but I think a lot of readers will be both
entertained and informed by how my characters handle situations they may have
experienced themselves. Because I write based on real events, solutions are
real, too.
may hit on that fluke yet, the elusive spark that ignites a fire. But I’m not
gonna rely on it. I’ll keep writing for the folks who read my stuff. I am grateful for you.
Wait. I think the solution just
came to me. Find a celebrity, a movie star, a TV host, even a famous author who
will put his name in big letters as the co-author of a book I have written. My
name would be in tiny letters under his. People do that a lot. If only I knew
such a person.
1 comment:
Great post - if you ever find that famous person, please share him or her with us.
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